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في كل عام، تنتهي الكثير من الدورات، لكن دعمنا للشركات الناشئة يستمر مع نمو شركاتنا الناشئة المتخرجة من تلك الدورات. لقد أثبتت لنا شركاتنا الناشئة المبتكرة والرائدة في مناسبات لا تُحصى أن الأمر يستحق دائمًا الاستثمار في العقول المبتكرة والفرق المتميزة والمستقبل.
لقد مرت حوالي ثماني سنوات منذ تخرجهم من Flat6Labs القاهرة، ولكن خلال هذا الوقت، تمكنت Instabug من اكتساب عملاء مشهورين مثل Samsung وPaypal وLyft وEA Sports وSound Cloud وVodafone وغيرها الكثير. وقد تمكن برنامج الإبلاغ عن الأخطاء من جمع 1.7 مليون دولار أمريكي من Accel في عام 2016. وخلال هذا العام، حصلوا على 5 ملايين دولار أمريكي في جولة المرحلة أ؛ وهي أكبر جولة تمويل حصلت عليها شركة ناشئة في Flat6Labs. تعرف على المزيد
HAWAYA (المعروف سابقًا باسم Harmonica)
وقد احتفل الرئيس التنفيذي للمجموعة في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا، وفي آسيا والمحيط الهادئ، ألكسندر لوبوت؛ والعضو المؤسس لشركة Flat6Labs، أحمد الألفي؛ ومقدمة برنامج هنا الشباب، لميس الحديدي، وعدد من مشاهير المستثمرين والصحفيين وداعمي التطبيق بهذه المناسبة وتحدثوا عن الخطط المستقبلية لتطبيق Hawaya خلال المؤتمر الصحفي لتطبيق Hawaya. تعرف على المزيد
على مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية، تمكنت Chefaa من إمداد الكثير من العملاء بالأدوية التي يحتاجون إليها بشدة باستخدام الخدمة القائمة على التطبيق. بعد تخرج شركة Chefaa في Flat6Labs القاهرة، تمكنت من الحصول على تمويل أساسي مكون من ستة أرقام من خلال 500 startups وFlat6Labs ومستثمرين آخرين في أواخر عام 2018. وقبل بضعة أسابيع، حصلوا على أول جولة تمويل مكونة من 7 أرقام لما قبل المرحلة أ من 500 Startups وVision Ventures وWomena ومستثمرين آخرين.
وصلت إلى النهائي في مسابقة الشركات العربية الناشئة لمنتدى MIT في عام 2017، كما فازت بمسابقة SingularityU لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا لعام 2019، التي بلغت قيمتها 60 ألف دولار أمريكي، وكذلك فازت مؤخرًا بمنحة اليونيسف البالغة 100 ألف دولار أمريكي؛ إنها شركة VRapeutic، وهي شركة ناشئة تستخدم الواقع الافتراضي للمساعدة في إدارة وعلاج مرضى اضطراب نقص الانتباه مع فرط الحركة، بالإضافة إلى العديد من أشكال التوحد.
هي خدمة لغسيل الملابس عند الطلب، وقد تلقت Makwa تمويلاً أساسيًا بستة أرقام من مستثمر مجهول. يأتي ذلك بعد شهور قليلة من تخرجها من Flat6Labs القاهرة وتقديم عرضها في مسابقة Pitch by The Pyramids الإقليمية التي تعقدها شركة Riseup.
هي منصة للهواتف الجوالة تعتمد على نموذج البرمجيات كخدمة (SaaS) مقرها البحرين وتهدف إلى تسهيل إدارة القوى العاملة المتنقلة من خلال الجداول الزمنية التشغيلية، وتتبع الموقع، وجدولة مواعيد الموظفين، وتتبع سير العمل، وقد حصلت على 250,000 دولار أمريكي في جولة تمويل ما قبل التمويل الأساسي وكانت على رأسها Dubai Angel Investors ومستثمرون ممولون إقليميون بارزون آخرون. وسيستخدم هذا التمويل على المدى القصير لتوسيع فريق التطوير في SINC وتأسيس وظائف تتبع العمل التي تحتاجها الشركات الصغيرة في أمريكا الشمالية بشدة.
أتم سوق الأزياء Dabchy من النظير إلى النظير الكائن في تونس، جولة التمويل الأساسي بقيمة 300,000 دولار أمريكي. كان الداعم الرئيسي للتمويل Startups 500 وذلك بمشاركة Flat6labs تونس، وSaudi Venture Capital، وVision Venture Capital، وDaal Venture Capital ومجموعة من كبار المستثمرين الملائكة. Dabchy هي منصة على الإنترنت تُتيح لمستخدميها بيع الملابس المستعملة والجديدة على الإنترنت بتكلفة منخفضة.
على مدار السنوات الماضية، قامت Yayy، أحد استوديوهات الألعاب القليلة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، بإنشاء ألعاب للأجهزة الجوالة للاستفادة من احتياجات السوق الدائمة التزايد للألعاب ووسائل الترفيه للأجهزة الجوالة. وقد أصبح لديهم العديد من التطبيقات التابعة لهم.
Mint Basil Market
ستشارك منصة التجارة الإلكترونية Mint Basil Market التي تقدم منتجات طبيعية بالكامل للجمال والصحة في الدورة 3 من برنامج womena، وذلك لكونها أحد أفضل الشركات الناشئة التي تديرها النساء في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. كما تخطط هذه الشركة الناشئة أيضًا لتوسيع خدماتها إلى دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
جمعت Washmen تمويلاً بقيمة 6.2 ملايين دولار أمريكي وذلك في جولة المرحلة ب التي عقدتها AddVenture، وهي شركة عالمية لرأس المال المخاطر مقرها روسيا، بالتعاون مع Henkel، وCedar Mundi Ventures لبنان، وB&YPartners، وClara Ventures بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وفي الجولة الأخيرة بلغ إجمالي الاستثمار الذي جمعته Washmen حتى الآن 7.8 ملايين دولار أمريكي.
- الكل
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
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- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024

Tabshora is a web service aiding the creative arena, from web designers all the way to fashion designers, interior designers.
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Snapze is a mobile application that gives users smart recommendations based on key factors; their in-app profiles, Facebook, Twitter, friends, people like them as well as their behavior within the application.
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F16Apps works to redefine the next generation of mobile applications in global markets thru a bucket of socially productive mobile applications.
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Taskty is an online marketplace for home services. Currently serving 3 cities in Egypt; Cairo, Alexandria, and Tanta and providing 14 different services such as house cleaning, electricity services, and insect control.
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Rawy is a digital publishing marketplace that provides digital services for comics. Through Rawy, we digitize printed illustrations.
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PushBots is a customer engagement platform that can be integrated in mobile apps within a minutes with a few lines of code.
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CIRQY brings you the kind of fun, creative products that will add something different to your everyday life and allow you to express yourself differently.
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A social travel platform helping Arab travelers book, plan and share their trips. GoEjaza focuses on offering an integrated travel experience.
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Castpace is a platform for the filmmaking and TV community, where you can create and share portfolios, search for a cast or crew and hire them, find a vacancy or connect to other filmmakers.
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The social applications trend is moving towards socializing around common interests and geographic locations rather than just people.
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Nafham is a free online K-12 educational video platform linked to the Egyptian curriculum.
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At GyroLabs, we’re working on exciting ways to merge the online world with traditional television viewing habits.
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Eshtery combines both; the convenience of e-shopping and the ever-lasting pleasure of “real” shopping through its mobile applications and interactive virtual stores.
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Tagaddod is a renewable energy and waste management start-up, started in February 2013 and operating in Cairo –Egypt.
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PieRide is offering a solution that is aimed at solving the commuting difficulties prevalent in Cairo.
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Our mission is to bring the world’s innovative thoughts and inspiring stories through our content sharing platform where users can share their stories and ideas to go viral.
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Koretna.com is a social platform for the amateur football community, aiming to provide players with a complete football experience.
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ElWafeyat.com is the first online platform in the region for funeral & obituary services, offering a one stop shop for all the required services during the time of need to help the families finalize all procedures and easily announce the news to their network.
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The babyboon.com is an e-commerce website dedicated to babies and kids products, offering a wide range of products and services needed in the early stages of parenthood.
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Shipping companies are continuously facing challenges to reduce their shipping costs and time of delivery specially for international shipments.
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XoneBee is a core technology startup specialized in offering next generation mobile telecommunication solutions.
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Solarist presents innovative solar powered solutions that solve environmental problems like water scarcity.
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Simplex is a producer of CNC machines (computer numerical control – an automated cutting and engraving machine).
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Coterique is an e-commerce platform selling high end international designer products by collaborating with designers and offline boutiques that already stock them.
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CloudPress is a marketing platform that enables brands to create, launch, and track interactive, shoppable campaigns online.
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Tamreeni is an Egyptian startup founded around the spirit of fitness and healthy living.
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Telecosys is a joint stock company specialized in offering innovative software solutions for Tech-based service providers including Telecom Operators, ISPs, and cloud-based service providers.
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lens42 provides a fast, easy way for you to share geotagged content anonymously, on a map.
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LocName is an abbreviation of “Location Name’’ a web & mobile application that gives a short, unique name for your address, which you can then share easily in just 2 seconds!
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KhُObz for bakery machines is a manufacturing company based in Cairo.We manufacture an automated bakery machine that will do the whole process of baking Egyptian balady bread with “Rada”.
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Farminal is a dairy farm management technology solutions company with a focus on delivering niche complementary solutions for large and medium sized dairy farms.
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Collectionair is a safe platform for art lovers and collectors to buy and sell, swap and borrow art from emerging art markets, with an initial focus on African and Middle Eastern art.
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Flip Technologies is focused on developing activity trackers for action sports to digitize and quantify the activities performed and providing a comprehensive list of meaningful and actionable insights in track details and fitness.
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Kikabò Labs tailors educational contents, cartoons, and apps by making the learning experience fun and engaging for kids.
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Unnyhog developed 3 games for iOs and Android platforms and they were downloaded more than 5 million times.
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Washmen is a mobile-based laundry service that enables its customers to schedule a time for their laundry to be picked up and dropped off.
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GitHelp is the first code-oriented helping app. And what we mean by that is that everything in GitHelp centered around the source code of the project, from the matching process to the internal team collaboration.
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Dashroad is a Platform-as-a-Service company that focuses on bringing out the data from cars to help build a platform of connected car applications.
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FeedSpeed is a technology platform that enables on demand app creation for offline retailers looking to have a mobile presence.
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Jumpsuit is a global marketplace for personalised fitness and nutrition plans or the AIRbnb of Health and Fitness.
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In StudentCart, parents will be able to purchase essential products and services online and get access to dozens of additional perks and promotions.
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In Susurrus a brand can easily “book” online a set of sponsored posts talking about its services or products in targeted audiences.
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Metaphorio team pieces together the necessary skills and experience to build successful products in the video space.
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Carsurance is an online platform for providing insurance quotes for individual car owners.
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Bees365 is a professional services automation company that helps clients simplify their processes and control their business lifecycle enabling them to increase productivity, reduce cost, and drive employee collaboration.
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Yalla Nsadar is an online marketplace that connects Egyptian exporters to importers in the European Union.
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Saveit helps consumers discover discount offers from merchants according to different commercial sources
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Moneyfellows gives individuals access to interest free credit and helps them reach better saving achievements, all fully powered by their personal network, not their credit score.
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Entej is a social networking platform for SMEs in Arabic based on specific industries in common.
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Card Switch is an anti-fraud & personal card management mobile application, giving cardholders the control to decide when, where & how to authorize their cards transactions.
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Ella is a dedicated news platform curating the best stories, original profiles of inspiring women and networking events.
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Hyphen makes it possible for businesses and brands to create intelligent chatbots to understand and serve the customers
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Immersive experiences; a goal the entire creative industry is trying to achieve through different tools, such as Virtual Reality, 3D Projections, and Interactive Environments.
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Chqmate is a payment application that facilitates the settlement of checks among big groups of friends or people in cafes, dinners etc.
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HAWAYA (المعروف سابقًا باسم Harmonica)
Harmonica application demonstrates a modernized and advanced approach towards matching people together through a set of scientifically driven, technologically enabled, and culturally sensitive set of inquiries that are validated by our matching algorithm.
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Conative Labs is an Egyptian startup providing products and platforms designed for aquaculture.
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MARJ3 is an online platform providing information and tutoring about scholarships for all MENA region citizens.
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Massyaf is an innovative marketplace that aims to develop and harness the potential of the vacation home rental market in Egypt.
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Recommendator brings viewers the very best in critically acclaimed films from around the world.
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Ouda w Dar
Ouda w Dar: A booking platform that simplifies short-term accommodation for hosts and guests.
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Spica Tech
Spica Tech is an online academy for coding video games and production for kids and teens.
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Personafier gathers information from real people profiles to deliver target persona's verified behaviors and interests.
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Schedex is a scheduling platform that provides a seamless and flexible scheduling experience for managers and employees of shift-based companies.
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Let’sGrant is a lending platform for personal loans that matches borrowers with banks and lending desks, simplifying the process of applying for and receiving a loan.
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On-demand multi-service delivery platform for your food and instant delivery needs.
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High-end computer Science Education with a unique learning experience that leaves lasting impressions and positively impact our students’ lives.
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Streamlining of aircraft cabin design, reconfiguration and certification for the aeronautical industry.
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Online plateform connecting homeowners with verified and qualified service professionals for home improvement and repair projects.
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Mobile and web plateform connecting doctors & patients with a patient-centered approach.
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Real-estate portal, CRM and property management software for industry professionals.
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Web and mobile marketplace for logistics services connecting truc drivers and transportation companies with customers.
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TIRA ROBOTS creates cost-effective industrial robots for the manufacturing industry of the future.
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Onboard helps hardware/manufacturing companies transform their textual manuals to 3D.
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VRapeutic specializes in developing virtual reality software for therapeutic purposes, with a current focus on autism, ADHD, and cerebral palsy.
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Untap is a submission management system used by organizations to easily launch and manage online prize-based competitions and calls for applications.
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Illa is a digitally operated multi-sized platform that provides transportation and distribution services.
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Agrona manufactures particleboard from recycled wood and unutilized vegetable crop residues such as tomato and potato stems.
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Elmetr is an Online Legal Platform on which customers find the most suitable lawyer to handle their legal tasks.
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Instadiet’s vision is to leverage technology to solve challenges for dieters and wellness seekers in Egypt and the gulf area.
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Tyro is a language and exam prep based tutoring platform focused on providing a personalized experience to all of our students.
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InterAct Labs develops interactive technology solutions such as infrared, image processing, electronics, and software.
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AION Innovations offers easy to install and affordable smart home solutions which are accessed and controlled remotely using an innovative mobile application.
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A mobile app that connects parents with baby incubators, on demand, and helps them with booking the incubator for their baby.
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Fresh Farm
"Fresh farm works as an intermediary between farming families and urban consumers. Fresh farm aims to break the norm of buying processed foods directly through big retailers and push consumers towards buying straight from the farm. Fresh farm will help combat the constantly increasing prices of farm-grown products. It will also help combat low quality goods through providing partnering farms with guidance and education, detailing the most efficient way to maintain and deliver their produce. (Product: Website/Platform)"
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An application for simplifying payments between educational institutions and parents. An easy process which allows the parent to buy the educational service and pay the fees on a settlement base instead of a one time payment.
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Cotton Town
A platform that connects cotton farmers and producers with exporters and importers from around the globe serving pure cotton products.
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Choroida has developed 4 physical products that implement smartphones in the examination process and have developed 2 software to ease the examination process and lower its cost & published an e-commerce store to sell all products. The social impact of our products provides more benefits, such as lowering the cost, they provide ease of learning to junior ophthalmologists, digital documentation on smartphones for all examined cases and portable examination outside the clinic.
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Agab Studio
Educating the special needs population on how to recycle paper to reuse it in various types of products.
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تطبيق اجتماعي للأشخاص الذين يرغبون في تغيير عاداتهم الغذائية والارتقاء بلياقتهم البدنية.
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روبو ديسك
منصة سحابية مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لمراكز الاتصال، حيث تعمل على تحسين تجربة العملاء من خلال التشغيل اللآلي لعمليات خدمات العملاء بأكملها.
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تطبيق كونسولتو يقوم بتنظيم الرحلة الصحية للمرضى، بدءًا من تتبع وتوحيد التاريخ المرضي إلى تلقي وصفات الأطباء رقميًا ووضعها في الملف التفاعلي للمريض المعني.
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أول متجر رقمي لإعادة استخدام الأزياء مدعومًا بتقنية الذكاء الإصطناعي في مصر حيث يمكّن المستخدمين من بيع وشراء الأزياء والملابس المستعملة بكل سهولة.
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منصة تمويل تجاري، لاتاحة راس مال عامل للمشروعات الصغيرة من خلال ارصدة تمويلة متوافقة مع احكام الشريعة
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Babrizk is the first blue collar recruitment application with loyalty program and fintech services
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MENA's leading tech recruitment web solution trusted by 100s of companies in 10+ countries worldwide.
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شركة خدمات نقل قائمة على التكنولوجيا الخاصة بها لنقل الركاب والطلاب وكذلك توفير وامداد اسطول السيارات للشركات والمؤسسات.
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كباتن تقود التحول الرقمي في صناعة كرة القدم من خلال تقديم حل شامل يجمع بين جمع البيانات وأدوات إدارة المسابقات
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جوردي لايت
جوردي لايت تقدم تجربة جديدة في منتجات الإضاءة من خلال مصباح كهربي متعدد الوظائف وعالي التقنية
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نوماد يكسر قيود صناعة العقارات من خلال تقديم خدمة تأجير مساحات التجزئة لفترات قصيرة للأعمال التجارية
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باداش يقدم خدمات لدعم مقاهي ومطاعم العراق من خلال نظام وأدوات تفاعلية لرؤية بيانات العملاء والتفاعل معهم
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تتيح منصة منحة للطلاب التقديم على المؤسسات التعليمية وجمع الدعم لسداد الرسوم الدراسية.
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باي ناو
باي ناو تقوم بتوفير خدمة الشراء الآن والدفع لاحقًا لقطاع الأعمال في أسواق السعودية والإمارات.
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هورايزن إكس
هورايزن إكس هي منصة رقمية تساعد على بناء وإدارة المطاعم والمقاهي وذلك بتوفير جميع احتياجاتها من منتجات وخدمات تحت سقف واحد
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Wazen – وازن
تخطيط موارد المؤسسات - إدارة علاقات العملاء - الموارد البشرية - نقاط البيع - SoftPOS العمل كخدمة SaaS، ومتكامل تمامًا مع البنوك لإجراء التسوية التلقائية وبدء جميع المدفوعات وكشوف المرتبات.
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Kikabò Labs tailors educational contents, cartoons, and apps by making the learning experience fun and engaging for kids.
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SEPT is a fashion personalization platform that creates an intimate online shopping experience for the Khaleeji women.
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InterAct Labs develops interactive technology solutions such as infrared, image processing, electronics, and software.
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Babrizk is the first blue collar recruitment application with loyalty program and fintech services
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Temr.cm is Bahrain’s first cloud-based Clinic Management solution for small to medium-sized healthcare providers
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Material Solved
Material Solved provides new software that transforms complex scientific data into static and animated illustrations in a fast and easy way.
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TIRA ROBOTS creates cost-effective industrial robots for the manufacturing industry of the future.
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High-end computer Science Education with a unique learning experience that leaves lasting impressions and positively impact our students’ lives.
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