Eshtery combines both; the convenience of e-shopping and the ever-lasting pleasure of “real” shopping through its mobile applications and interactive virtual stores.
It’s simple and fun: we place our walls and boards in nearby convenient locations. Those have everyday items – like food & groceries – printed on them with QR codes identifying each item allowing our users to scan and buy the items they wish with our mobile applications and yup; have them delivered!
Think of a busy day at work where you worry still about going to the market to buy your grocery and stand in a long cue to pay at the cashier or when you have to wait for a LONG time for your favorite fast food chain’s call center to finally get your order … that’s all soon going to be over! With eshtery you get all your items instantly accessible through our mobile application and our printed walls.
And in case you were wondering; our mobile application acts also as a standalone e-shopping venue granting you direct order access. Our applications run on Nokia, Android, iOs, Windows, J2ME and Blackberry.