Water Sec - Flat6Labs


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Water SecTunisia

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image Overview About Water Sec

Company Brief

Watersec aims to shape a sustainable water consumption behavior of citizens and businesses of the MENA region. It has developed IoT devices connected to a user-friendly dashboard to keep track of the water consumption, detect and alert on anomalies.


Watersec multi-protocol IoT devices collect the water consumption and send the data to a web and mobile app dashboard that offers many features among which interactive visualization and analysis of water usage at each source, water bill estimation, notification for the user when water usage is bypassing a defined threshold and report building.

Target Market

Watersec focuses on companies that are required to optimize their water consumption for business purposes such as textiles, pharmaceutical, agrifood industries and the hospitality sector in the MENA Region.

Business Model

The revenue stream of Watersec is based on IoT device sale and annual dashboard subscription fee.

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