Kamioun - Flat6Labs


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image Overview About Kamioun

Kamioun makes it easy for corner-shops to replenish their inventory and manage their business. It allows Mom and Pop shops to order inventory from FMCG manufacturers and receive much faster delivery.
The platform offers other features for all stakeholders such as retailers where they have access to hundreds of items at fingertips, they can follow instant promotions and place orders at any time.


Kamioun provides a mobile application easy to use for corner shops to replenish their inventory and manage their business.
In few clicks, it allows Mom and Pop shops to order inventory from FMCG manufacturers and receive much faster delivery.
They also have access to hundreds of items at fingertips, they can follow instant promotions and place orders at any time.
They entry point is the supply chain, making sure the retailer’s replenishment process is best-in-class and gradually supporting them on other aspects of their activity (Inventory management, sales…).

Target Market:

Kamioun is targeting small mom and pop shops first in Tunisia, then in the whole French speaking countries in Africa.

Business Model:

Kamioun generates money through margin on sold goods through the mobile application.


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