Company Brief
Babrizk is the first blue collar recruitment platform designed and speaks the language of blue collar workers. Babrizk connects employers directly to the blue collar workers phone giving them direct access to a large pool of workers, prioritizing them based on direct job match, proximity and ratings with a touch of a button. We offer a loyalty and referral program that ensures workers are incentivized to work at a high rating and grow the network. 70% of our business is catered to seasonal or temporary workers in which we offer employers the ability to hire blue collar workers off their books and pay them through babrizk. In addition we offer an HR time sheet tech that helps supervisors manage all blue collar workers obtained through babrizk. As the Blue collar worker gains experience through babrizk and maintains a high rating they will be eligible for financial services allowing them a path to financial inclusion otherwise not available for what is now the ever growing grey economy.
We have a webapp for the employer and a mobile application for the workers. We have launched the MVP web version for both worker and employer onboarding and broadcasting. We intend on launching the MVP app version in first quarter 2023. We have partnered with paynas to facilitate issuance of cards to temporary workers to receive their salaries. The employer webapp allows an easy sign up process after which we sign agreement with company to allow them to broadcast jobs using easy roll down menus the same used for worker onboarding to ensure a direct match. Employer is able to fill out all job information and simply push broadcast after which workers who are matched, closest and best rated will receive notifications on their phones and the employer will be updated as to fulfillment of the job card and is able to reject or approve any workers. The workers will also have an easy sign up process confirming their identity and use same roll down menus for jobs they are capable of. Once all required documents uploaded they will be able to receive the job broadcasts. They will have ability to reject of approve jobs with a push of a button and will be able to track their work history, earnings history and incentives they are working towards or received as well as their babrizk score.
Target Market
Blue Collar workers and Employers of blue collar workers. For the workers we are targeting unskilled to semi skilled in the first stage and expanding to more skilled workers with time. We are starting with greater Cairo (4 governates) and expanding 2 governates per year. For Employers we are starting with Contractors, Facility Management companies, delivery companies, cloud kitchens, Sales, restaurants, hotels, factories, landscaping, agriculture, security and cleaning companies.
Business Model
We are a success based model in that we charge commission when the job is fulfilled. We charge 50% of first month salary of permanent worker and we charge 10% of daily rate for temporary workers. We plan to be profitable after the second year of operations.
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